Forgiveness is wonderful to receive, but is often difficult to give. Letting go is hard to do. Nurturing our hurt and anger seems to be a
more natural reaction; however, doing this comes with a price tag.

Self Compassion
If you are like me, you are your own worst critic. I have had a critical voice living inside of my head from as far back as I can remember. I think it moved to a front row seat inside my head when I became a teenager....

Effective Communication
If the foundation of communication is cracked, then the stability of the marriage is compromised. Tony Gaskins says it this way: "Communication is to relationships like oxygen to life. Without it...it dies." In this post, I will share about empathic communication.

Divorce Proofing Your Marriage
Often, one's personal issues--those issues that are not related to his or her spouse--will affect his/her spouse. I know that taking a personal inventory is not always fun. In fact, doing so can be very unpleasant.

Divorce Proofing Your Marriage Part Two
I heard someone make the point not too long ago that change starts when someone chooses to do something differently. Although you cannot control your spouse, you can CHOOSE to change your ow

Divorce Proof Your Marriage Part Three
Perhaps you and your spouse are on the verge of divorce. Remember that marriage is God's idea and that He is for the success of your marriage. If you have already gone through a divorce, there is still hope.