Dr. Stacy Adcock

I am passionate about helping individuals and couples stuck in emotional and spiritual pain take steps to experience healing and wholeness.

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My wife and I drove over 5 hours to meet with Dr. Adcock to receive premarital counseling. It was worth it! He made us feel at ease, and even though we felt we had discussed a lot on our own already, he brought up crucial things we had not thought about and were able to work through with him. We are forever grateful for him and could not recommend him enough. We are blessed to have him in out lives!

Jasher Henderson

When I first came to Dr. Adcock, I was struggling with a lot of things. 2020 was a hard year for me, and by the beginning of 2021, I knew I needed help. Dr. Adcock not only helped me through my questions and struggles with no judgement, but he allowed God to use him in order to make a path forward for me. I am SO thankful to have the best coach!

Leah Pfohl

Growing up, I was never a “believer” in therapy or counseling. I carried this mindset all the way into adulthood and it absolutely crippled me. I hit the lowest point of my life and knew it was time to get help. From my first session with Dr. Adcock, I felt completely comfortable. I was able to talk freely about everything and was met with concern, understanding, and a desire to help.  I am so thankful to have Dr. Adcock helping me along in my journey!

Megan Camley


Forgiveness is wonderful to receive, but is often difficult to give.  Letting go is hard to do.  Nurturing our hurt and anger seems to be a
more natural reaction; however, doing this comes with a price tag.

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Self Compassion

If you are like me, you are your own worst critic.  I have had a critical voice living inside of my head from as far back as I can remember.  I think it moved to a front row seat inside my head when I became a teenager....

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Effective Communication

If the foundation of communication is cracked, then the stability of the marriage is compromised.  Tony Gaskins says it this way: "Communication is to relationships like oxygen to life.  Without it...it dies."  In this post, I will share about empathic communication.

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Divorce Proofing Your Marriage

Often, one's personal issues--those issues that are not related to his or her spouse--will affect his/her spouse.  I know that taking a personal inventory is not always fun.  In fact, doing so can be very unpleasant. 

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Divorce Proofing Your Marriage Part Two

I heard someone make the point not too long ago that change starts when someone chooses to do something differently.  Although you cannot control your spouse, you can CHOOSE to change your ow

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Divorce Proof Your Marriage Part Three

Perhaps you and your spouse are on the verge of divorce.  Remember that marriage is God's idea and that He is for the success of your marriage.  If you have already gone through a divorce, there is still hope.

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  • Quote to Ponder

  • "I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance and my God." Psalm 42:11
  • Quote to Ponder

  • "A man's life is what his thoughts make of it." - Marcus Aurelius
  • Quote to Ponder

  • "Turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones." - Anonymous
  • Quote to Ponder

  • "Seemingly, it is not the life people say you lived, but it is the life you lived that matters." - Lyndel Adcock
  • Quote to Ponder

  • "Your destiny is not what you have been through." - Anonymous

Quote to Ponder

"I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance and my God." Psalm 42:11

Quote to Ponder

"A man's life is what his thoughts make of it." - Marcus Aurelius

Quote to Ponder

"Turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones." - Anonymous

Quote to Ponder

"Seemingly, it is not the life people say you lived, but it is the life you lived that matters." - Lyndel Adcock

Quote to Ponder

"Your destiny is not what you have been through." - Anonymous